Indoor Plants For Apartments

Indoor Plants For Apartments

How They Help Us In Our Apartments

An idea that’s being planted in more and more apartments is one that may surprise many people: namely, the benefits of indoor plants. Simply put, being close to plants reduces stress.

Research has shown that heart rate, blood pressure and skin conductivity all benefit from the presence of plants and that people in planted apartments recover from stress more quickly than those in unplanted apartments.

The effect is likely to be most significant in situations where the tasks being performed are repetitive or not requiring high levels of concentration.

Studies in the U.S. also show that by reducing stress and improving attentiveness, plants can improve workplace productivity and apartment health.

A number of studies also show that plants can reduce the incidence of minor health complaints in the working  and apartment environment. For example, in one Norwegian study, after plants were installed in the trial offices and apartments, staff complaints about:

• Fatigue were reduced by 30 percent

• Headaches were reduced by 25 percent

• Dry throats were reduced by 30 percent

• Coughing were reduced by 40 percent

• Skin irritation were reduced by 25 percent.

Indoor Plants For Apartments

Plants are also believed to have such a dramatic effect because they both improve indoor air quality and people’s perception of the apartments.

Today, horticultural therapy blooms as a profession and a practice. The American Horticultural Therapy Association reports that “horticultural therapy is not only an emerging profession; it is a time-proven practice.” Nurturing and caring for plants is a highly interactive and satisfying experience for people of any age, particularly for seniors.

As a way of giving back to the senior community while shining a spotlight on the healing benefits of taking care of plants, Initial Tropical Plants, the largest provider of interior landscaping and design installation to businesses in the nation, created the Grassroots Senior Healing program. The company donates plants, containers and talented horticultural employees to volunteer at low-income senior citizen centers and demonstrate the healing benefits of tending to interior plants.

Interestingly, planted apartments also have less airborne dust than unplanted ones. The effect is mainly due to increased humidity and static electricity. That’s because plants are slightly negatively charged compared with their surroundings and so will attract positively charged dust particles, reducing the number in the air and on surrounding surfaces.

What Plants Are Perfect For Apartments?

Lucky Bamboo

You don’t even have to worry about direct sunlight. You can keep bamboo in indirect sunlight or a dim corner of the apartment. Let it grow in water and change out the water every two to four weeks.


This leafy green is ideal for adding lively accents higher up in your apartment. They are perfect for hanging baskets or as a climbing plant. Plus their purifying qualities allow them to absorb and strip toxins like formaldehyde often found in common household items like carpet and area rugs. They can survive in a variety of lighting conditions, but please note that low light may reduce the leaves’ variegation.

Peace Lilly

The easy-care peace lily tolerates low humidity and low light. That means that this plant is perfect for apartments that face another building or not open sky. They are even known to be able to grow under florescent lights. They can grow up to 6 feet high and 5 feet wide. These plants grow best in high temperatures from 60 to 85 degrees.


For people who tend to kill plants before they can grow, the cactus is for you. It requires watering only once a week, and during winter months, you can go even longer without watering. Keep it in a bright spot but not in direct sunlight.

Snake Plant

Snake plants are some of the most tolerant plants out there. They can withstand weeks of neglect without loosing their shape and fresh look. Snake plants are great for the novice green thumb as they can thrive in environments with very low light and water. Added benefits include their ability to help purify the air by removing toxins like formaldehyde and benzene. This care-free, tough succulent grows almost anywhere. A snake plant is great for beginners. When grown in bright light, it sends up a tall stalk of greenish fragrant flowers, but it can also live in low light. Water it occasionally and allow the soil to dry in between watering’s. There are also dwarf rosette varieties that would make nice desktop plants. They grow best in temperatures from 60 to 85 degrees.

ZZ Plant

ZZ Plants are native to Zanzibar, a country located in East Africa, and are considered by some as the “Houseplant of the Future.” This is one of the lowest light plants available, only needs to be watered three times per month, and rarely attract pests.

Iron Plant

Iron Plants boast dark leafy greens, and can add a visually striking aesthetic to any dark corner. They also have an affinity for low lighting and can survive with very little water and poor soil.


If variety is what you’re looking for then you might want to invest some of your apartment funds into purchasing cacti. Cacti are available in all sorts of weird and wonderful shapes and sizes. These easy to care for plants can survive in the desert, so if you have a window available, it’s likely your apartment will be an equally equip environment to provide these plants with everything they need to thrive.


Who doesn’t love a succulent? Over the past few years we’ve seen a boom in this plants popularity which can probably be attributed to their good looks and their no fuss MO (they are nearly indestructible). All you need to keep these guys going is a little bit of sunlight and water once every other month.

Spider Plant

Spider plants again fall into the low light category, but they also self propagate by sending out off-shoots. So if abundance is what you’re after, look no further. Spider plants do well when their roots are crowded, making them the perfect companion for any New York apartment whether planted in a bundle or on their own.

Bamboo only needs water and shade to survive, and in addition to its good looks, bamboo is also meant to create a positive living environment. It is considered a living example of the feng shui elements of water, wood and earth, and in accordance with feng shui practices, if you place your bamboo in the correct pot, it can introduce fire and metal to complete a balance of the five elements.

Ficus Tree

If you’re lucky enough to have room for a full tree, then the ficus is what you should be after. Also known as the weeping fig or Braided Ficus, this low-maintenance, attractive plant is perfect for your indoor oasis. The braided trunk however does not occur naturally. When the plant is young, its multiple trunks can be weaved together to grow into a permanent braid. While the ficus is a very common indoor plant, they are also grown outdoors. In nature it can reach up to 50 feet tall.

Peace Lily

This beautiful plant boasts long dark green leaves and elegant white flowers. The Peace Lily is great for small spaces and requires little sun for survival. In fact, direct sunlight can actually damage the plant’s foliage—it has the nickname “Closet Plant.” The plant doesn’t require a lot of watering, but when it does, it’s easy to tell as the leaves begin to drop.


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Saturday: 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Sunday: Closed